Registration Create a User Account Thank you for your interest in participating at our upcoming Cherry Cup Invitational Tournament for AYSO teams only. In order to register, you will need to create a user account first, then register your team. After we confirm that a spot has been reserved, all tournament registration documents need to be completed and mailed in together with payment in form of a Regional check. You can download the documents from our Documents section at any time, but keep in mind that online team registration is required in order for a spot to be reserved. Online registration allows for us to process applications faster and reserve teams a spot right away, giving them peace of mind while they mail in documents and payment. Also, it allows us to close registration when capacity is met and for our staff to focus on making your experience while visiting us a fun-filled one. Already have an account? Login here. User Registration Name * First Last Name * Last Email Address * Enter Email Confirm Email Address * Confirm Email Password * eye_icon eye_slash_icon Confirm Password * eye_icon eye_slash_icon Please note, this is the main email address we will use to provide you with registration and tournament information. Please make sure that you enter a valid email address and check for emails coming from Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.